What is the situation now?

At the moment, the share of renewable energy in the final consumption is relatively high and amounts to 40%. In the EU this indicator is higher only in two countries – Sweden and Finland and the latter is officially recognized as the best state since it does more useful and also does less harm to the environment.

In 2019, the Government of Latvia deprived of support for 16 renewable energy plants, namely power plants. 176 power plants received warnings and 22 power plants assessed the excessiveness of compensation.

What are the plans for 2030?

According to Andrei Apanyuk, Director of the Sustainable Energy Department of the Ministry of Economy, for 10 years Latvia is obliged to increase the share of renewable energy from 40% to 50%, in the transport sector – 10% (also according to the national climate and energy plan it is necessary to ensure at least 3,5% of modern biofuels).

In addition, it is planned to carry out operational renovation of buildings and thereby reduce energy consumption to 100 kWh/m2 per year. The last global goal is to reduce the share of imports in local consumption by up to 30%.

How to achieve the goal?

In order to achieve positive results, tax measures are needed that motivate green energy.

“The one who pollutes pays”. This principle means the following: energy consumers and users of the transport industry will incur additional costs. Programs to use alternative fuel and reduce private cars in development but there are suspicions that the likelihood of additional costs for the population is high.

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