Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Dear friends! Altenergy team thanks you for your trust and cooperation in 2020. Every day we tried to become better to ensure maximum efficiency of your enterprises!

We wish you the realization of all opportunities, joy, good health and support in the New year! Let 2021 decorate your life with bright good events that will pop up in your memory for a very long time causing a smile!

Merry Christmas and happy New year!

Altenergy congratulates on World Wind Day!

This year marks 25 years since the first installation of wind generators in Latvia.

Today, June 15, World Wind Day is celebrated in every corner of the planet. The initiators of the holiday in 2007 were the European Wind Energy Association and the World Wind Energy Council.

Our team congratulates you on such an unusual holiday and sincerely fulfills its mission – protect the environment.

Wind power benefits:

  • “green” energy, which does not have a negative impact on the environment;
  • bird recognition technologies developed;
  • reduced noise “pollution” and flicker from rotating turbine blades.

In our country, according to the national plan for energy and climate for 2021-2030, it is planned to install wind generators that will be able to generate 800 MW of energy.

According to a Bloomberg New Energy Finance study, in 30 years, 49.9% of all electricity in the world will be generated from green energy – wind and sun.

Generate energy from everything, and we will help you with this!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear friends!

Altenergy wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2020 Year!

We thank you for your cooperation and are always open to new! Wish you good luck in business, stability and vivid emotions. Let this coming year be filled with prosperity and contentment! With appreciation for your business and with warmest wishes for a happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!

“Green” energy: change awaits Latvia

What is the situation now?

At the moment, the share of renewable energy in the final consumption is relatively high and amounts to 40%. In the EU this indicator is higher only in two countries – Sweden and Finland and the latter is officially recognized as the best state since it does more useful and also does less harm to the environment.

In 2019, the Government of Latvia deprived of support for 16 renewable energy plants, namely power plants. 176 power plants received warnings and 22 power plants assessed the excessiveness of compensation.

What are the plans for 2030?

According to Andrei Apanyuk, Director of the Sustainable Energy Department of the Ministry of Economy, for 10 years Latvia is obliged to increase the share of renewable energy from 40% to 50%, in the transport sector – 10% (also according to the national climate and energy plan it is necessary to ensure at least 3,5% of modern biofuels).

In addition, it is planned to carry out operational renovation of buildings and thereby reduce energy consumption to 100 kWh/m2 per year. The last global goal is to reduce the share of imports in local consumption by up to 30%.

How to achieve the goal?

In order to achieve positive results, tax measures are needed that motivate green energy.

“The one who pollutes pays”. This principle means the following: energy consumers and users of the transport industry will incur additional costs. Programs to use alternative fuel and reduce private cars in development but there are suspicions that the likelihood of additional costs for the population is high.

Renewable Energy

Traditional energy resources such as oil, gas and carbon maintain strong positions worldwide. However, taking into account limits and rising costs of non-renewable resources becomes a trend. Therefore, alternative energy gets more popular. One of our key values is decreasing of negative affectionon environment. We struggle at the same time against pollution and against waste of non-renewable resources. We offer package solutions based on the following technologies:


We work with the world’s leading producer of pump equipment for industrial processes. We have already introduced Flowserve equipment in several projects in CIS countries. Since 2017 Altenergy is official agent of Flowserve in Bulgaria.

Flowserveis American corporation, counting its history for more than a century. It always aims to maintain leadership in its domains and therefore does a lot to achieve this goal. It has a range of world-known products, such as Worthington, IDP, Valtek, Limitorque, Durco and Edward. The company doesn’t stop its evolution, introduces brand new products on the market, and enlarges its service network. It’s worth to mention that the products demonstrate increased wear resistance, thank to use of innovative materials (e.g. such as X-Cavalloy, used for cavity erosion resistance). We provide you with high-quality products of recommended and reliable producer.

Flowserve is leader in domain of fluid motion control. Products are divided in three key groups, such as PumpsSeals and Valves. Further you can find more on their types.


  • Overhung pumps
  • Vertical pumps
  • High-pressure pumps
  • Slurry and solids-handling pumps
  • Chemical process pumps – ANSI, ISO
  • Pumps for special needs


  • mechanical seals (standard cartridge, pusher, metal bellow, mixer, compressor, slurry, gas barrier and containment, OEM and special duty seals and systems)


  • Ball valves
  • Butterfly valves
  • Rotary control valves
  • Linear control valves
  • Severe service control valves
  • Gate valves
  • Globe valves
  • Check valves
  • Plug valves

Chemistry & petrochemistry

Our team works on projects that are connected with chemistry more than 7 years. We elaborate package solutions for various industrial branches, supply materials and equipment, provide after-sale and guarantee services. Our customers are large oil refineries, mining companies and water treatment enterprises.

Our partner is the of the best in chemistry, it’s German concern BASF. We assist on implementing innovations and in cooperation with giants create basics for sustainability.

Among our range of products You find specialized solutions for Your company.

  • Batching equipment and equipment for preparation of liquid and dry chemical agents (preparation systems, batchers, mixers etc)

Water treatment

  • Chemical agents for drinking water from surface springs treatment; for industrial and domestic waste water treatment
  • Systems for chemical water treatment (antiscalants, inhibitors, biocides etc.)
  • Chemical agents for recycling water supply systems

Oil refining

  • Chemical agents for oilfields, including drilling, cementation, well completion and operation, enhanced oil recovery
  • Chemical agents for oil refinery, including catalysts and additives

Chemical industry

  • Specialized chemical agents for paints and coatings producers (pigments, color combinations, break-ups, resins and additions)
  • Intermediates, including amines, diols, polyalcohols, acids and specialties. They are used, for example, as starting materials for coatings, plastics, pharmaceuticals, textile fibers, detergents and crop protectants.
  • Catalysts
  • Plastic additives and pigments

Mining industry

  • Reagents, equipment, process technologies and expertise, focusing on applications such as grinding, flotation, hydrometallurgy, solid liquid separation, tailings management, materials handling

Food and pharmaceutical industries

  • Reagents for technological industrial processes

Heat exchanging equipment

Various options of heat supply and exchanging are used in the most part of industrial technological processes. Heat exchangers transfer heat from one environment to another and have an important influence on the whole flow process.

Our partner in the domain of heat exchanging equipment is Swedish company ALFA LAVAL that counts its history from the end of the 19th century. We offer wide range of products for such solutions as heat recovery, evaporation, condensation, heating, cooling. Depending on their types heat exchangers can be used with high or low pressures and temperatures, work with corrosive environments.

ORC-project in Belarus

Location: Minsk, Belarus
Project: ORC-module, 1,3 MW
Manudacturer: Turboden s.r.l.
Customer: Minskkommunteploset

In 2015 we finalized one of our important projects in domain of renewable energy. As a result, the fifth ORC-plant was started in Belarus. The customer in the project was Minskkommunteploset, one of the biggest heating suppliers in Minsk.

Why did we choose ORC-technology?

Alternative energy maintains reputation of an important part of sustainable development. Energy generation based on use of non-traditional sources is not only a good way to save ecology, but also an valuable solution for countries with limited natural sources. Belarus is one of such countries and traditionally it depends on import of gas and oil. Therefore, program on diversification of energy sources was accepted on the governmental level. Within its realization, co-generation plants gained high broadening.

ORC-technology is quite simple: a heat source (in our case these were boilers burning wood chips) warms up a thermal oil circuit that transfers heat to working fluid. Organic fluid moves through the ORC circuit and turns into steam making a turbine to spin. The turbine is connected to an electric generator. Meanwhile, organic fluid steam gets cooled by means of service water, is condensed, and moves to the beginning of the circuit back as fluid. You can find more about ORC technology here.

Project realization

Minskkommunteploset as a big energy supply enterprise took part in the National program of renewable energy sources popularization. In the village Sosny (near Minsk), there was built a new boiler-house that works on the wood chips.

1,3 MW ORC-module won a tender as a co-generation plant. During the winter period boilers work at capacity and produces enough energy to load the module, which produces maximum amount of electric energy and heat for needs of Sosny village. During summer time heating needs are reduced and consequently module load goes down. In this period small amount of electric energy is produced, accompanying heat is used for warming up water for local needs.

We offered equipment of Turboden s.r.l. (Italy), a company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries group. Italian company is a pioneer in engineering, and has a long history of successful manufacturing and maintaining ORC plants for various applications. Therefore, we chose this company as our reliable supplier.

Within project, a new room for module was built in accordance with all strict safety requirements of Turboden. Our company provided equipment and spare parts supply in full and on time, provided all required certifications and passed clearance procedures. On one of the project stages, we involved our partner company Energotechservice as an expert in mounting works. Our specialists together with Turboden representatives executed supervising, startup of the plant and training of customers’ personnel. In 2015, the complex produced the first kilowatts of energy.

Due to the contract, SIA Altenergy keeps on providing guarantee services for the plant. For convenience of the customer, we sub-contracted a Belarusian partner company for execution of maintenance services.

In total

ORC project has become a great challenge for us and we are proud that we managed to finalize it successfully and fulfill all the customers’ requirements and wishes. At the same time, it is an invaluable experience for us and our contribution into development of renewable energy in Belarus. Since several years the plant effectively works and produces electrical and heat energy for range of houses and objects, brings a return to Minskkommunteploset.

Brine suction pumps

Location: Soligorsk, Belarus
Contractual items: pumps with control system
Manufacturer: Flowserve B.V., the Netherlands
Customer: Belaruskali

In 2017, we took part in another important tender in the Republic of Belarus. The huge Belarusian chemical enterprise, Belaruskali, acted as the customer of pumps for specific needs.

Item of supply and its characteristics

In order to provide ecological safety of production, special storages for spent solids and brines are built during construction of mining processing plant. The most typical kind of emergency for potash mining is unexpected water and brines irruption from underground water-bearing horizons into worked-out areas of mines. Brine suction pumps are used for brine transfer from salt tailings to the brine storage. On the other hand, they serve to prevent serious consequences in case of brine flooding. In our project, we were to solve the second type of issue and to propose such “protection” pumps. Specific characteristics of such equipment arise from severe exploitation environment: it is to work at great depths and under high-heads.


We chose Flowserve as producer for this project, since it has a reputation of worldwide leader in manufacturing and maintaining of pump equipment. The corporation has also a great experience in engineering of equipment for specific applications. Stability and high-performance of proper chosen and installed equipment is crucially important for mining. So, we managed to prove reliability of our solution and took part in the tender as official sales representatives of American corporation.

Realization stage

Within this project we put emphasis on engineering. In collaboration with Flowserve specialists, we provided the customer with additional detailed design that contributed a lot into our victory in tender. During realization stage of project the customer placed additional requirements for automation and electrical supply of pump equipment. As a result of needs analysis and long negotiations, we succeeded to choose equipment and control system that satisfied the customer in price and quality.

In total

The Belaruskali project became for us one of the most important ones. Within it, we managed to do a great specific and very interesting for us engineering work. Due to close contact with our supplier we succeeded to break new ground and improve our professional skills. At the same time, pump equipment became our company’s division.