EOR (enhanced oil recovery)

According to BASF, with primary and secondary recovery methods the amount of crude oil that can be extracted from an oil field is limited to about 20 – 40 %. By using tertiary recovery methods, also referred to as enhanced oil recovery (EOR), additional original oil in place that has been bypassed can be further recovered, usually 30 to 60 %. If composition of polymers and reagents are correctly selected,  inhomogenuity of producing layers can be corrected. We offer high-quality products for implementation in various environments.

  • Synthethical water-soluble polymers for EOR
  • Partially hydrolyzed polyacrilamides with different molecular masse and/or anionicity level (provide economical solutions when implemented in mild conditions with low temperatures)
  • Sulphurized polyacrilamides (for implementation under higher temperatures)
  • Innovative associated thickening polyacrilameds (for environments with augmented saltiness and hardness, economical flow control (comp. to standard polymers)).

Our team assists you to select and get on time chemicals and equipment that your company needs, provides after-sale and service support.